6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (2024)

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Valentine’s Day Ideas For Kids

1. Homemade Valentine’s Day Cards

2. Thumbprint Heart Art

3. Valentine’s Day Crowns

4. Fuzzy Love Bugs

5. Valentine’s Day Mailboxes

6. Heart-Shaped Cookies

Valentine’s Day and Lingokids

Love is in the air—and so is learning! Valentine’s Day can be a memorable experience for children because it helps them appreciate love in all its forms. If you’re wondering how to celebrate this year, check out these Valentine’s Day craft ideas for kids!

Valentine’s Day crafts can be fun and educational. Hands-on learning helps spark children’s interest and keep them engaged. Without even realizing it, kids can gain valuable lessons and knowledge. Plus, the crafts they create can decorate your fridge or turn into precious memorabilia that you hold onto for years to come.

Valentine’s Day Ideas For Kids

These Valentine’s Day crafts for kids are easy to prepare, fun to create, and suitable for different age groups. You can easily adjust them to your child’s skills and needs, and put your own creative twist on these basic ideas!

1. Homemade Valentine’s Day Cards

There’s a reason that cardmaking is a classic holiday activity. Valentine’s Day cards are easy to make and are extra special in today’s digital world!

Materials needed:

  • Colorful paper
  • Coloring materials like pens, markers, crayons, etc.
  • Fun accessories like glitter or stickers


  1. Let your child decorate the outside of the card however they want!
  2. Have them write or draw personal messages inside. For younger children, you can outline a simple message like, I love you, and have your child trace over your letters.
  3. Encourage your child to think of someone special who could benefit from receiving a card. Maybe a neighbor, teacher, grandparent, or you!

This is a wonderful way to combine creativity with spelling and handwriting practice.

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (1)

2. Thumbprint Heart Art

Finger painting is a fun excuse to get a little messy! It’s easy to turn this simple craft into a Valentine’s Day activity for kids.

Materials needed:

  • Different colors of paint
  • Cardstock


  1. Paint your child’s favorite color on their thumb. You don’t need a lot of paint, just enough to leave a fingerprint.
  2. Help your child press their thumb down at an angle to make the left side of a heart, and then repeat for the right side.
  3. Encourage your child to make as many heart thumbprints on their card as they’d like.
  4. After the hearts dry, your child can add to their painting by drawing faces on their hearts or turning them into balloons… let their imagination run wild!

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (2)

3. Valentine’s Day Crowns

There’s nothing like a piece of art that doubles as an accessory! This Valentine’s Day craft transforms a few sheets of paper into a fun and festive crown, helping children get into the Valentine’s Day spirit.

Materials needed:

  • Sheets of paper
  • Coloring materials like markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.
  • Fun accessories like glitter, buttons, pipe cleaners, etc.
  • Tape or staples


  • First, cut a long strip of paper that’s wide enough for plenty of decorations. You might need to measure the strip to ensure that it will fit around the crown of your child’s head. If it’s too short, you can tape or staple two strips of paper together.
  • Have your child add all their personal touches. They can use glitter and accessories, write their name or words like love, and use pipe cleaners and paper hearts to create cute antennae!
  • When they’re done, fit the crown around your child’s head and help them fasten it with tape or staples.

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (3)

4. Fuzzy Love Bugs

These adorable little creatures make great Valentine’s Day gifts for kids! Your child can make a bunch of them to give to friends and classmates. They’re easy, unique, and only require a few materials!

Materials needed:

  • Pom-poms
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Googly eyes
  • Foam hearts
  • Paper hearts
  • Hot glue gun or regular glue


  1. To assemble the love bugs, use a foam heart for the feet and glue on a pom-pom for the body.
  2. Attach googly eyes to the pom-pom body.
  3. Glue on two pieces of pipe cleaner for antennae.
  4. Finally, glue on a folded heart for wings.

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (4)

5. Valentine’s Day Mailboxes

If your child is celebrating Valentine’s Day at school, they might be exchanging cards with their classmates. This activity helps them create a personalized mailbox to collect all their cards!

Materials needed:

  • A recycled cardboard box
  • Colorful paper
  • Writing utensils like markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.
  • Fun accessories like glitter glue, paper hearts, stickers, etc.


  1. Cover the whole box in colorful paper.
  2. Help your child make a slit through the middle of the box (with scissors or a knife). It should be big enough for an envelope to pass through.
  3. Have your child write their name in big, bold letters so everyone can see who it belongs to.
  4. Decorate the box with sparkles, stickers, etc.
  5. Have each family member write a Valentine’s Day card (see activity above) to put through the mailbox as a test. This also ensures that when your child opens up their mailbox at the end of the day, there will be a few guaranteed love letters inside!

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (5)

6. Heart-Shaped Cookies

It’s no secret that most children think the best Valentine’s Day gifts are edible! Instead of ripping into a bag of chocolates, help children learn how to bake and decorate their own cookies! This is a great exercise in reading recipes and following directions… with a delicious result.

Children can even build fine motor skills by using a cookie cutter to create heart shapes and decorating the treats with colorful icing and candies. Use conversation hearts to help them practice reading, or have them spell out messages with sprinkles.

Materials needed:

  • Sugar cookie dough
  • Heart-shaped cookie cutters
  • Colorful frosting
  • Sprinkles and/or conversation heart candies


  1. Make sure everyone’s hands are washed, then roll out the sugar cookie dough to make it nice and flat.
  2. Use the cookie cutters to cut out lots of heart-shaped cookies! The remaining dough can be flattened into a circle.
  3. Bake the cookies!
  4. Once the cookies have cooled, decorate them with icing, sprinkles, and conversation hearts.
  5. Enjoy the tasty treats or deliver them to friends and family with a Valentine’s Day card!

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (6)

Valentine’s Day and Lingokids

Interested in learning more about fun holiday activities to do with kids? Download the app and check out more content on our YouTube channels.

How does your family celebrate Valentine’s Day? Let us know by tagging us on social media!

6 Creative and Fun Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.