What Is Carb Cycling — and Should You Try It? (2024)

Sports nutrition concepts that were once reserved for elite athletes and bodybuilders are becoming more and more mainstream: counting macros, eating for body recomposition, and refeeding days. While you might not want to use them all year round, they can definitely provide a helpful boost when you're trying to reach a specific fitness goal. The latest once-niche nutrition tactic to make it into the mainstream? Carb cycling, which includes customizing a plan for when you eat carbs in relation to your training program. Here's everything you need to know about the practice, and how to tell if it's right for you.

What Is Carb Cycling?

"There's no formal definition for carb cycling, but the basic principle is that you alter your carb intake based on your varying needs throughout the week, month, or year," says registered dietitian Edwina Clark, R.D. The timing and amount of carbs consumed during each phase vary depending on the person, she adds.

"Carb cycling is often used among bodybuilders/physique competitors and high-performing athletes," notes Lauren Manganiello, R.D., a board certified sports nutritionist. But with the recent rise in popularity of the ketogenic diet, particularly for active people, the concept is becoming more common among everyday athletes.

Generally, carb cycling revolves around a person's training schedule. "On days when they are training more intensely, they would consume more carbohydrates, whereas low-carb days would occur on days when their training is less intense," explains Manganiello. "There are usually several high-carb, medium-carb, and low-carb days cycled throughout the week."

So why follow a carb cycling plan? "The rationale behind carb cycling is that when your body receives limited carbs, it relies on fat as the primary fuel source, which can be helpful for weight management, body fat losses, and boosting carb storage when carbs are reintroduced," says Clark. The idea is that by being strategic about when and how you eat carbs (your body's preferred fuel source for exercise), you can more efficiently power your workouts and achieve better results in terms of both performance and body composition.

Who Should Try Carb Cycling?

There are two main groups of people that carb cycling can be helpful for, according to Clark: endurance athletes and active people on low-carb diets.

For those who focus on endurance sports such as running, cycling, and swimming, "preliminary evidence suggests that varying carbohydrates throughout the year — specifically lowering carbs during high volume, pre-season training — may be helpful for increasing muscle glycogen stores and performance when carbs are reintroduced," explains Clark. Basically, lowering your carb intake before you go into your main training season (say, prepping for a marathon or triathlon), may help your body to better utilize carbs when you reintroduce them right before you need to hit your peak performance level.

For those more interested in weight control or fat loss, carb cycling can also make sense. "For some individuals, consuming a lower-carb diet can be helpful for weight maintenance and optimal health," says Clark. That's probably why keto continues to be so popular. "That said, research indicates that carbohydrates are the predominant fuel for working muscles during high-intensity exercise, and consuming carbs before and after a tough sweat session is critical to get the most out of it." It's generally accepted that a low-carb intake will reduce power output during high-intensity exercise, so carb cycling could help if you're eating a low-carb diet but want to complete a HIIT or weightlifting workout, for example. (BTW, here's more info on how to exercise while on the keto diet.)

And while carb cycling is popular with those who follow keto-like, high-fat, low-carb diets, you don't have to be eating a high-fat diet to benefit from carb cycling. "You can absolutely cycle your carbs with any kind of diet," says Shoshana Pritzker, R.D., a registered dietitian nutritionist.

In fact, it might be better not to carb cycle while on keto, especially if you're newer to the eating style. "Regular increases in carbs will take you out of ketosis, so if you decide to use carb cycling with a ketogenic diet, I would limit high-carb days to only once, maybe twice, per week," says Pritzker. After all, the point of keto is to get your body to use fat for fuel, so taking your body in and out of ketosis kind of defeats the purpose of the diet and might even make it hard to gauge whether the eating style is a good fit for you or not.

Is The Keto Diet Bad for You?

Does Carb Cycling Work?

Okay, so this all sounds great in theory, but what does science have to say about it? Uh, not much, actually. "Research on carb cycling for endurance performance is relatively new, and there's not a lot of data on the long-term effects of swinging between low and high carb intake," says Clark. The same goes for the potential fat-loss benefits — the evidence around carb cycling is mainly anecdotal.

The fact that the long-term effects of carb cycling are unknown is one of the reasons experts recommend trying it for short periods of time only. Plus, there's the fact that it takes a lot of planning, prepping, and tracking to do it successfully. "It can be difficult to sustain long-term," says Manganiello. "Physique competitors and athletes usually only use it during their 'prep' phase for competitions, which is usually only a few weeks or months."

And while it might give you more energy on training days, it can also be mentally draining. "As with any type of diet, you never want to become obsessed with counting, whether it's calories, macros, or something else because it can promote a very unhealthy mindset and relationship with food," notes Manganiello. "Also, individuals tend to consume the same foods when carb cycling, therefore limiting variety within their diet."

How to Carb Cycle

If you think carb cycling might be right for you, here's how to get started. First, it goes without saying that you'll need to track your macros using an app or food journal. Next, you'll need to figure out how many grams of carbs to eat each day. This is highly individual, according to experts. "There are several factors that go into figuring out how many grams of carbs to eat, such as body weight, age, sex, the intensity of your workouts, as well as listening to your body and hunger cues," says Manganiello.

How to Calculate Your Macros Like a Pro

But there are some general guidelines you can use to figure out a starting point for your carb cycling plan. "On high-carbohydrate days, individuals often consume about 60 percent of their calories from complex carbs," says Manganiello. "On low-carbohydrate days, individuals will switch out some of their carbohydrates for healthy fats."

Another option is to use your low-carb days as a starting point to calculate your medium- and high-carb days. "If you consider that 50 grams of carbs per day is what is generally needed to reach ketosis, you could start there as your low-carb day," says Pritzker. "Work your way up from there and max out at 200 grams of carbs per day."

So if you're wondering how to carb cycle, your week might look like this:

Day 1: 50 grams carbs

Day 2: 100 grams carbs

Day 3: 150 grams carbs

Day 4: 200 grams carbs

Day 5: 125 grams carbs

Day 4 would be your most intense training day (heavy weightlifting, HIIT, or a long run), and day 1 would be your least intense (light cardio, mobility work, or a rest day). After day 5, you'd cycle back to day 1.

As for what to do with the rest of your calories, you have a couple of options. "You can keep your protein and fat intake the same and only change the amount of carbs you eat on a daily basis," says Pritzker. "Try to match high-carb days with tough workout days, that way you get the boost in energy you need for your workouts from the extra carbs." Another option? "Keep protein the same, but adjust fat when you adjust carbs. So if carbs go up, fat intake goes down to compensate for the shift in calories." This may be a better choice for those trying to lose weight or body fat.

What's the Deal with Net Carbs and How Do You Calculate Them?

Final Carb Cycling Tips

Fiber matters. Prioritizing high-fiber carbs on low-carb days is a solid way to go. "With any lower-carb eating approach, getting adequate fiber is a concern, as whole-grain carbohydrates are a rich source of this important nutrient," says Clark. "Fiber supports satiety, cholesterol control, and your microbiome, among other things!"

Quality matters. High-carb days shouldn't be filled with pizza and french fries. "Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole-grain bread/pasta are healthier choices than more refined options such as sugar, cakes, cookies, and soft drinks," says Clark.

When in doubt, consult an expert. "The amount of carbohydrates required on high vs. low-carb days varies greatly depending on calorie needs, the type and amount of activity you do, and your goal," says Clark. If you want personalized recommendations, check in with a registered dietitian. That way, you can ensure you're getting the fuel your body needs to achieve the best possible results.

What Is Carb Cycling — and Should You Try It? (2024)


What Is Carb Cycling — and Should You Try It? ›

Carb cycling is an attempt to match your body's need for calories or glucose. For example, it provides carbohydrates around your workout or on intense training days. The high carb days also help your body replenish its supply of muscle glycogen, which may improve performance and reduce muscle breakdown ( 9 , 10 ).

What is carbohydrate cycling? ›

Carb cycling involves going back and forth between high-carb days and low-carb days. There may even be “no-carb” days. You would usually have a high-carb day when you plan on exercising hard. On those days, your body needs more fuel, so you might eat 2 to 2.5 grams of carbs for every pound of your body weight.

How much weight can you lose on carb cycling? ›

Can Carb Cycling Help You Lose Weight? It just might. In a 2011 study, women who cut carbs twice a week lost an average of nine pounds over the course of four months, while women on a Mediterranean diet lost five pounds. (Both groups were on calorie-restricted diets.)

What does 50 carbs a day look like? ›

Bread: Around 2 to 3 slices of white or whole wheat bread typically contain around 50g of carbohydrates. Oats: Approximately 50g of dry oats (about 1/2 cup) provides around 50g of carbohydrates. Fruits: Consuming around 2 medium-sized bananas or 3 medium-sized apples can give you close to 50g of carbohydrates.

What foods have the highest carbs? ›

Starches: Wheat, oats, corn, potatoes, and dried beans. Sugars: Sugar, and honey, plus sugar found in fruits, milk, sodas, bread, cakes and other products. Fibers: Undigested parts of plant food (fruits, vegetables and whole grains)

What foods to eat when carb cycling? ›

Choose whole, nutrient-dense foods. On high-carb days, focus on complex carbohydrates like whole grains, legumes, and fruits. On low-carb days, prioritize lean proteins such as chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs, or tofu, paired with non-starchy vegetables.

What happens if you eat no carbs for a week? ›

Severe carb limits can cause your body to break down fat into ketones for energy. This is called ketosis. Ketosis can cause side effects such as bad breath, headache, fatigue and weakness. It's not clear what kind of possible long-term health risks a low-carb diet may pose.

What do 20 carbs a day look like? ›

Just one large potato contains 20 grams of net carbs, the daily limit on a keto low-carb diet. As does one half of a large hamburger bun. Or half a cup of rice or pasta. These foods practically can't be included at all on a keto low-carb diet, and only in small amounts – if at all – on a more liberal low-carb diet.

Will I lose weight if I stay under 50 carbs a day? ›

You may lose weight faster on 50 g of carbs a day or less, but it depends on what else you're eating, how many calories you're consuming, how active you are, and many other factors. In addition, eating slightly more carbs may lead to lower but more sustainable weight loss.

How many carbs a day to lose weight? ›

As far as how many carbohydrates to eat, Pratt says 100 to 150 grams of carbohydrates is safe for most people who are trying to lose weight. It may be better for some people to eat carbs consistently throughout the day. “You can also break it up evenly with 40 to 50 grams of carbs per meal,” she says.

What is the number one worst carb? ›

1. Sugary Foods. Most people already think of many of the foods in this category as unhealthy treats. Candy, soft drinks, and sweet desserts such as cake, chocolate, and ice cream are all expected entries on a list of carbs to avoid to lose weight.

What is the healthiest carb to eat? ›

12 High Carb Foods That Are Incredibly Healthy
  1. Quinoa. Quinoa is a nutritious seed that has become incredibly popular among health-conscious consumers. ...
  2. Oats. ...
  3. Buckwheat. ...
  4. Bananas. ...
  5. Sweet potatoes. ...
  6. Beets. ...
  7. Oranges. ...
  8. Blueberries.
Nov 1, 2021

What are the worst foods for carbs? ›

Carbs to Avoid, Plus Better Bets
  • Sugary drinks, sodas, and fruit juices. These often have added sugar. ...
  • White bread. Simply substitute your normal sandwich bread for a whole grain or whole wheat option.
  • Pasta. ...
  • French fries and potato chips. ...
  • Cookies, cakes, and pastries. ...
  • Candy, chocolate, and ice cream.
Oct 8, 2023

What is the difference between keto and carb cycling? ›

Getting started with either carb cycling or keto primarily involves planning your diet. For carb cycling, you'll need to alternate between high, moderate, and low-carb days according to your workout intensity and health goals. With keto, you'll mostly consume fats, moderate proteins, and very low carbs.

What are the side effects of carbohydrate cycling? ›

Potential side effects include: Initial Fatigue: Some individuals may experience fatigue, especially during the initial adjustment period when transitioning between high and low-carb days. Digestive Issues: Changes in carbohydrate intake can sometimes lead to digestive woes, such as bloating or constipation.

Does VShred actually work? ›

To summarize, although VShred does link to studies in marketing material and point to its glowing testimonials as evidence that their diet works, the bulk of that research is preliminary and inconclusive. And, as of yet, no clinical research has been done on the VShred diet specifically.

Is intermittent fasting better than carb cycling? ›

Carb cycling may be better suited for individuals who are highly active and need a consistent supply of carbohydrates to fuel their exercise, while intermittent fasting may be a better choice for those who struggle with traditional calorie counting or want to improve their overall health markers in addition to weight ...

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