Pokemon Location Guide V2 (2024)

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Posted January 23, 2014(edited)


Victini: N/A

Snivy: Starter Pokemon

Servine: Evolve Snivy

Serperior: Evolve Servine

Tepig: Starter Pokemon, Event in Pyrous Mountain. Guide: http://youtu.be/BaYkHMIFWp8?t=1s

Pignite: Evolve Tepig

Emboar: Evolve Pignite

Oshawott: Starter Pokemon

Dewott: Evolve Oshawott

Samurott: Evolve Dewott

Patrat: Opal Ward (Grass)

Watchog: Evolve Patrat

Lillipup: Hide and Seek in Onyx, Obsidia, and Peridot Wards

Herdier: Evolve Lillipup

Stoutland: Evolve Herdier

Purrloin: Alleyways (North Peridot and Lapis Ward)

Liepard: Evolve Purrloin, Lapis Ward Alleway

Pansage: Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle, Adventurine Forest

Simisage: Evolve Pansage with leaf stone

Pansear: Event; under the bridge going to the Railnet in Peridot Ward when it's raining, Adventurine Forest

Simisear: Evolve with fire stone

Panpour: Event; Either being bullied in Opal Bridge, or running wildly inside an Apartment in West Peridot, Adventurine forest

Simipour: Evolve with water stone

Munna: Peridot Ward trade for Bibarel, Byxbysion Wasteland (Grass)

Musharna: Evolve Munna with moon stone

Pidove: Obsidia Slums, Peridot Garden (Headbuttable Trees)

Tranquill: Iolla Valley

Unfezant: Evolve Tranquill

Blitzle: Route 4, Peridot gym during a thunderstorm

Zebstrika: Route 4

Roggenrola: Tanzan Mountain, Tanzan Depths ,Iola Valley, buy from 7th street pokemon dealer

Boldore: Tanzan Depths, Route 2, Route 3

Gigalith: Evolve Boldore with linkstone

Woobat: Underground Railnet, Iolla Valley, Ameritine Cave fl 1

Swoobat: Evolve Woobat, Caves in Iolla Valley, Ameritine Cave fl 1

Drilbur: Tanzan Mountain (Depths)

Excadrill: Evolve Drilbur

Audino: Route 1

Timburr: Reward for beating Circus puzzle

Gurdurr: Evolve Timburr

Conkeldurr: Evolve Gurdurr with linkstone

Tympole: Breed Palpitoad

Palpitoad: Azurine Island

Seismitoad: Evolve Palpitoad

Throh: Route 2, Pyrous Mountain

Sawk: Route 2, Pyrous Mountain

Sewaddle: Jasper Ward, Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle

Swadloon: Evolve Sewaddle

Leavanny: Evolve Swadloon

Venipede: Byxbysion Wasteland (They jump out of trees)

Whirlipede: Evolve Venipede

Scolipede: Evolve Whirlipede

Cottonee: Route 4 (Day)

Whimsicott: Evolve Cottonee via sun stone

Petilil: Obsidia Park during a Sunny Day, Iolla Valley (Morning/Day)

Lilligant: Evolve Petilil

Basculin: Tanzan Cove (Good Rod), Adventurine Cave (Good Rod)

Sandile: Tanzan Mountain

Krokorok: Evolve Sandile

Krookodile: Evolve Krokorok

Darumaka: Girl at Apopyhll academy will trade for Luvdisc

Darmanitan: Evovle Darumaka

Maractus: Chrysolia Abandoned train event

Dwebble: Route 2

Crustle: Route 2

Scraggy: Obsidia Slums Event. Get thedull key in the railnet and open the locked door in the Slums to start the event. Finish and you'll receive a Scraggy

Scrafty: Evolve Scraggy

Siglyph: Top of Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie

Yamask: Abandoned Powerplant (Shade's Gym)

Confa*grigus: Evolve Yamask

Tirtouga: Beat the grunts that were at the Spinel Museum and the curator will give you the Cover fossil or Plume fossil, get the Cover fossil for Tirtouga

Carracosta: Evolve Tirtouga

Archen: See Tirtouga, get plume fossil for Archen

Archeops: Evolve Archen

Trubbish: Peridot Garden (Night), Alleways, Obsidia Slums, Byxbysion Wasteland

Garbodor: Evolve Trubbish

Zorua: Hide and Seek in Alleyways

Zoroark: Evolve Zorua

Minccino: Chrysolia Forest

Cinccino: Evolve Minccino with shiny stone

Gothita: Beryl Library event appears after Corey?

Gothorita: Evolve Gothita

Gothielle: Evolve Gothorita

Solosis: When Saphira blows up a cave at the beginning of ep 10 go the end of the cave onto a wall and get past the puzzle. Once you get the end of the area there will be one of those reactor things you find in Corey's gym, go behind it to find Solosis

Duosion: Evolve Solosis

Reuniclus: Evolve Duosion

Ducklett: Tanzan Cove (Grass), Possible egg in the Obsidia Slums, Iola Valley

Swanna: Tanzan Cove (Grass), Evolve Ducklett, Iola Valley

Vanillite: Ice Cream Machine in Spinel Town, buy from 7th street pokemon dealer

Vanillish: Evolve Vanillite

Vanilluxe: Evolve Vanillish

Deerling: Chrysolia Forest (Grass), Route 1

Sawsbuck: Evolve Deerling

Emolga: Jasper Ward Event, one is sleeping in the street during a windy day

Karrablast: Tanzan Cove, Chrysolia Forest

Escavelier: Trade Shelmet for Karrablast in Spinel Town

Shelmet: Azurine Island

Accelgor: Trade Karrablast for Shelmet in Spinel Town

Foongus: Azurine Island

Amoongus: Azurine Island

Frillish: N/A

Jellicent: N/A

Alomomola: Iolla Valley (Fishing)

Joltik: Adventurine Forest Event (Clear Weather)

Glavantula: Evolve Joltik

Ferroseed: N/A

Ferrothorn: N/A

Klink: Underground Railnet (Between Strength Rock and Staircase), Abandoned Power Plant (Shade's Gym)

Klang: Underground Railnet, Abandoned Power Plant(Shade's Gym)

Klinklang: Evolve Klang

Tynamo: Peridot Alleyway during a thunderstorm Pokemon Location Guide V2 (1)

Eelektrik: Evolve tynamo

Eelektross:Evolve Eelektrik

Elgyem: Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, Totem Pole?

Beheeyem: Evolve Elgyem

Litwick: Bring a soul candle to the the area where Elias trys to preform a ritual on Luna, click on the the pentagram and a litwick should spawn

Lampent: Evolve Litwick

Chandelure: Evolve Lampent with Dusk Stone

Axew: N/A

Fraxure: N/A

Haxorus: N/A

Cubchoo: Cave in front of Shade's gym, Celenstine Mountain, Ameritrine Mountain

Beartic: Celenstine Mountain, Ameritrine Mountain

Cryogonal: Trade for Stunkfish in Chrysolia Forest House

Stunfisk: Apophyll Cave

Mienfoo: Route 3 (does not appear at night)

Mienshao: Evolve Mienfoo

Druddigon: Route 3 Caves

Golett: Route 3, Beryl Cemetery Cave Event requires Ill Fated Doll

Golurk: Route 3

Pawniard: Route 4

Bisharp: Evolve Pawniard

Bouffalant: Route 1

Rufflet: Route 2

Braviary: Evolve Rufflet

Vullaby: N/A

Mandibuzz: N/A

Heatmor: Pyrous Mountain Event

Durant: Tanzan Depths

Deino: N/A

Zweilous: N/A

Hydreigon: N/A

Larvesta: N/A

Volcarona: N/A

Cobalion: N/A

Terrakion: N/A

Virizion: N/A

Tornadus: N/A

Thundurus: N/A

Reshiram: N/A

Zekrom: N/A

Landorus: N/A

Kyurem: N/A

Keldeo: N/A

Meloetta: N/A

Genesect: N/A


Chespin: Choose as starter, Find the oddish weed in the Aventurine Woods and give it to a lady who will give you the chespin egg. The oddish weed is in the south Adventurine woods and your going to need a floral charm, pretty much keep going to your right until you come upon a path of tall grass with a small clear path blocked off by a flower. Use the floral charm to cross the flower and keep following the path until you find a bush, the bush has the oddish weed in it. The women you give the oddish weed to spawns at various time throughout the day by the junk dealer, the one across the shard tutors at 7th street, one time the women spawns is at 11 am so just set your time to 11 am and she should spawn give her the oddish weed and she'll give you a chespin egg (as of ep 11 she won't stop giving you eggs).

Quilladin: Evolve Chespin

Chesnaught: Evolve Quilladin

Fennekin: Choose as starter

Braixen: Evolve Fennekin

Delphox: Evolve Braixen

Froakie: Choose as starter

Frogadier: Evolve Froakie

Greninja: Evolve Fragadier

Bunnelby: Rhodochrine Cave, Beryl Graveyard

Diggersby: Evolve Bunnelby

Fletchling: N/A

Fletchinder: N/A

Talonflame: N/A

Scatterbug: Jasper Ward, Beryl Ward, Rhodochrine Jungle, Rhodochrine Cave

Spewpa: Evolve Scatterbug

Vivillon: Evolve Spewpa

Litleo: Event in Obsidia Ward I'm not quite sure on the details

Pyroar: Evolve Litleo

Flabebe: You need to buy a floral charm from the flower shop in the Lapis Ward, with the charm go to the Aventurine woods and run over one of those forests that knock you out and a wild flabebe should appear.

Floette: Evolve Flabebe

Florges: Evolve Floette with shiny stone

Skiddo: Route 1 (Day)

Gogoat: Route 1 (Day)

Pancham: Open the locked area in Obsidia Slums with the Dull Key - Obsidia Slums Pancham Playground, Obsida Slums

Pangoro: Evolve Pancham

Furfrou: Chrysolia Forest, Radamous' Maze

Espurr: House guarded by hobo in Peridot ward,Alleways (North Peridot Ward and Lapis Ward)

Meowstic: Evolve Espurr

Honedge: N/A

Doublade: N/A

Aegislash: N/A

Spritzee: Given for completing the puzzle in the Lapis Ward flower shop puzzle.

Pokemon Location Guide V2 (2)

Aromatisse: Evolve Spritzee with a linkstone while holding a satchet

Swirlix: Given for completing the Obsidia Ward candy shop puzzle

Pokemon Location Guide V2 (3)

Slurpuff: Evolve Swirlix with linkstone while holding sweet dream

Inkay: Headbutt trees in the wastelands, yeah I know why are squids in trees?

Malamar: Evolve Inkay by cancelling the evolution, spam x while it evolves.

BInacle: Rock Smash (Apophyll Beach)

Barbaracle: Evolve Binacle

Skrelp: Fish in Poisonous water (Azurine Island,Coral Ward, Good Rod)

Dragalge: Evolve Skrelp

Clauncher: Celestine Mountain Fl 2 (Good Rod)

Clawitzer: Evolve Clauncher

Helioptile: On Beryl rooftop on a sunny day

Heliolisk: Evolve Helioptile with a sun stone

Tyrunt: Revive Jaw Fossil at the museum in Spinel Town which you get from doing the Order of The Helix Fossil jobs or Circus games, you need a helix fossil to get the jobs

Tyrantum: Evolve Tyrunt

Amoura: Revive the Sail Fossil at the museum in Spinel Town which you get from doing the Order The Helix Fossil jobs or Circus games, you need to get a helix fossil for the jobs

Auorus: Evolve Amaura

Sylveon: Evolve Eevee while max friendship and knowing a fairy move.

Hawlucha: Route 2 (Morning)

Dedenne: Hidden Cove A.K.A. Tanzan Cove

Carbink: Caves in Iolla Valley

Goomy: NA

Sliggoo: NA

Goodra: NA

Klefki: NA

Phantump: Route 4

Trevenant: Evolve Phantump

Pumpkaboo: First find the soul candle by the cave near Shade's power plant and than with it click on one of the pumpkins by the Beryl graveyard. I don't think there are different sizes. Only works at night.

Gourgeist: Evolve Pumpkaboo with linkstone

Bergmite: Ametrine Mountain Fl 2

Avulugg: Ametrine mountain

Noibat: Underground Railnet, Grand Stairway, Rhodochrine Cave, Pyrous cave,

Noivern: Evolve Noibat

Xerneas: NA

Yveltal: NA

Zygarde: NA

Edited by ShatteredSkys

Pokemon Location Guide V2 (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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